Well it can be joyful at times, but let’s face it, it is also really hard!


We all want to be the best parents we can possibly be, give our kids great childhoods and develop adults we are proud of…but it doesn’t always go to plan.


We’re not perfect, we have busy lives and our own stresses and strains to contend with…throw a tearful toddler or a surly teen into the mix and it is far from a joy!


We have launched Fegans Parenting in a Pandemic to give you a helping hand.


We have all heard the phrase ‘babies don’t come with an instruction manual’, which is true but Fegans has actually developed a parenting manual.


Every week Fegans counsels hundreds of children and coaches struggling parents with a whole range of issues. Our professional services are commissioned by the NHS, schools and social services and all of our parenting practice uses evidence-based outcomes. We are pretty confident we can help every family to make positive improvements and get closer to feeling that joy.


During our 150th anniversary we want to celebrate by sharing our parenting insight with as many families as we can. We felt the most effective way to do this would be to deliver it digitally. The Parenting in a Pandemic Course is the first of our digital parenting products to launch. It is completely free and packed full of lots of really practical parenting tips.