As we count down the days to an unusual Christmas, we wanted to share ideas to create fun and laughter in the home, and maybe even break through adolescent resistance… With the Covid distancing guidelines likely to remain in place, some activities can be adapted with the restrictions in mind.


Put together a Family Puzzle
A puzzle is like a magnet, even the most resistant teen can’t refrain from joining in. Grandparents, cousins, everyone can get involved in taking turns and working as a team.


Make a Wreath
There are lots of ideas and tips on sites such as Pinterest. Take a walk down to the local forest and you will find most of the foliage that’s needed to make a beautiful decoration for your front door or hallway.


Bake and decorate Cookies
Older kids love to roll out dough. Lay out assorted coloured icing, sprinkles and small marshmallows. It’s fun to watch the creativity that is generated as they decorate! Who also doesn’t love to clean out the bowl with their fingers?


Have an ugly Christmas Jumper party
Go to a charity shop and chances are you will find a load of ugly jumpers! Take a vote for whose is the best (worst)! Let your kids be the judge.


Bake and decorate a Gingerbread House


Watch your favourite Christmas movies together
Let your teen pick. If they aren’t particularly fond of watching movies with Mum or Dad, sometimes serving some hot chocolate and marshmallows, or freshly popped popcorn, does the trick.


Record a Family Video
The catch is to allow them to be the directors. You can do a family skit, have a dance contest, or be plain silly. Beware, they might have so much fun they share it on Snapchat!


Create Vision Boards for the New Year
This might take a little coaxing … The highlight of creating vision boards is having each person share the special meaning of their images. It’s amazing how much you can learn about each other.


Have a Chocolate Fondue night
This is always a hit and it’s so easy.


Attend a virtual Christingle Service, or Christmas Eve Service
Carve out time to focus on the true meaning of Christmas. A list of local churches can be found online, or in the newspaper and most will be delivering online services in the run up to the festive season.


Do a Random Act of Kindness
Buy a gift or toy for a family in need. Find a local shop where you can drop off coats, toys or food for those in need.  Build a snowman, make snow angels, or have a snowball fight. Obviously you will need some snow for this one! You might be surprised who jumps in and joins you.


Play Games, or have a Dance Competition
Here is a list of popular games from mums of tweens and teen: Scrabble, Charades, Yahtzee, Twister, Catch Phrase, What do You Meme, Unstable Unicorns, Codenames. Put some music on and devise a dance routine!


Organise a Pamper evening
Buy some non-alcoholic fizz, lotions and face packs, nail polish and hairbands, and have fun!


Discover Who they Are
With so much information on genealogy now available online, a family tree could be the perfect Christmas project to get stuck in.


Let Them Decide
The whole point is to spend meaningful time with your children. Let them decide what they would like to do as long as it’s within reason. You may learn something you never knew about them or possibly even yourself. Give them control and go along with enthusiasm.


Remember to make memories…