One of our experienced Fegans counsellors, Rose Ellis, has put together this article aimed at young adults and parents who experience anxiety and depression.  She recognises this will be a very challenging time and would like to share a few of her thoughts and tips on how we can keep ourselves emotionally safe at this time…


One of the important things to remember is that you are not alone. This time will be particularly tough for people living on their own so please make sure that if you know someone on their own pick up the phone, video chat, post them a letter or email. Likewise for people living alone do not be afraid to call friends and family for a chat. Just because we can’t see each other we can still support each other in other ways.



Another good tip is to try and keep a routine for the day so try to go to bed and get up at the same time each day, plan your day – for some people it may help to write out a daily timetable of what they want to achieve that day.


It may seem a strange thing to say but also get dressed every day – I remember a nurse in hospital once telling me she was pleased to see me dressed as it helps us to feel more motivated.


If you can get out each day – we are allowed to go out once a day for exercise so have a walk or if you are particularly fit go for a run or cycle. If you are limited in mobility at least try to sit in a garden or walk round the block as it will help to have a change of scene and also top up Vitamin D levels.



If you do suffer with clinical depression make sure you have supplies of your medication and a note of the helplines you may need including your GP and crisis teams etc. If you have therapy most therapists are able to offer Zoom or telephone sessions at this time.


Make use of the various free apps on smartphones that can be downloaded for mindfulness and relaxation techniques such as Calm and Headspace.


Rose advises:

“It is more important for you to take responsibility for your well-being during such uncertain times but, you will get through this and you don’t have to do it alone.  Make the support that is available work for you.  By working together and supporting each other, we will come out the other side stronger than ever before!”


Don’t forget, if you need to talk immediately, you can contact the Samaritans on 116 123.


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