Intertitle: ‘We’re there at last’. Boys and young men are seen at a large campsite, eating, playing cricket, petting rabbits, playing cricket, washing and being inspected for cleanliness. Lots of close-ups.

Intertitle: Water is alright, sometimes, but one can have too much of it as we did this year (1948) when we were washed out twice. However, the Goudhurst buildings gave us shelter’. The boys and young men laugh and play around.

Intertitle: ‘Of course no holiday could be complete without a day at the seaside’. The boys paddle in the sea, go roller skating and return to the campsite. Portraits of individual boys and in groups as the boys play and eat.

Intertitle: ‘But all good things come to an end and the time comes to pack up and be homeward bound’. Back in uniform the boys assemble their kit and gather on the the platform at Marden railway station near Maidstone. They depart waving from the carriage. A diffferent train arrives and boys and young men assemble at a campsite near the seashore, A military band arrives and plays for the boys as they march along the coastal path. The boys swim in the sea,

Intertitle: ‘Our happy family’. Adult leaders line up for a the camera and more scenes of the boys having fun on the campsite and beach, and we see more scenes of the fabric army surplus tents across the site. The boys fish, have an outdoor meal, run alongside the Romney Hythe and Dymchurch Railway and clamber on a beached fishing boat. The boys are seen in the doorway of the coastal shop Lydd Coast Stores with the shopkeeper. The boys pack their kit, tidy up, eat outdoors, lie in sleeping bags in the open air reading comics, relax and get on with chores and washing, eat candyfloss and sail a fishing boat. The campsite and equipment is dismantled and the group make their way to the station after a final inspection of kit. Marching along the coast road tehy depart on the train, waving.

Intertitle: ‘The Romney Hythe and Dymchurch Railway provides a never-failing interest’. Boys and teachers stand at level crossing on Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway, ride the railway and inspect the engine.