Intertitle: ‘Boys parade in the Barn Yard for dismissal to their work’. They make their way down a lane off to work.

Intertitle: ‘Fruit trees occupy a considerable acreage’. A boy at work in the cherry orchard shows off his basket of cherries to the camera.

Intertitle: ‘An effective way of scaring birds away from the fruit’. A boy operates a bird scarer.

Intertitle: ‘Near the Home buildings wild duck nest annually by a wayside pond’. The boys feed the piglets and lambs and water the horses.

Intertitle: ‘And now time is really precious – it’s midday! Boys swim and dive in the outdoor pool’.

Intertitle: ‘Chairman F.W.Miller Esq. Hon. Treasurer J.H.Parker, Esq., M.I.E.E. General Director and Secretary H. Millner Morris, Esq’. The latter is seen seated on a bench and is joined by a woman.

Intertitle: ‘We have much pleasure in showing you war time scenes in our homes the training farms. Goudhurst, Kent. 1943 and 1944’.

Intertitle: ‘Lt. General Sir Wm. and Lady Dobbie visit the training farms’. They pass the bos and yound men standing on parade and mingle with other guests.

Intertitle:’God’s provision of a wonderful harvest’. Harvest scenes follow. Fruit is seen packed in boxes and boys pick fruit standing high on ladders in the orchards. Next we see some swimming races at the pool with adults watching.

Intertitle: ‘Cutting poles during the winter months’. Birch trees are chopped, carried and sawed.

Ploughing scenes follow. The boys line up their horses and young calves in the yard.