Do you have a heart for our cause? Is children’s mental health something which you are passionate about? Do you want to champion Fegans and the work that we do? Are you keen to educate, fundraise or inspire?

We are looking for enthusiastic volunteer social media ambassadors to be the face and the voice of our charity. You don’t need thousands or friends or followers to make a difference but good networking and communication skills are a bonus. 

A social media ambassador is an easy way to get involved with Fegans by agreeing to donate your voice. We provide the content and guidance; you share our mission and your personal connections to our cause.

From Facebook and Twitter to LinkedIn and Instagram, imagine what’s possible when our content can be shared across dozens of personal accounts in addition to our own. 

Reasons why you can make a difference:

1. Facebook Favours People, Not Pages

Facebook is the most popular platform for charities but unfortunately its newsfeed favours posts from friends and family rather than the organisation’s page. 

2. Convert Others to our Cause

Research continues to show that charity giving is heavily influenced by word-of-mouth, sometimes as much as 50% of the time. If Fegans had social media ambassadors regularly sharing and retweeting our stories and calls-to-action, this would make a huge difference to us. We would love to empower enthusiastic supporters to share our content. 

3. Our Campaigns Need a Digital Army

The popularity of crowdfunding sites, local giving days and nationwide Giving Tuesday events are only successful if we share our message online effectively and inspire new donors. For these kinds of short-term campaigns, it’s a challenge for us to to spread our energy across multiple social media channels. An ongoing social media ambassador programme can mean our supporters are there, a dependable group of digital soldiers ready to go when we need you. 

Our social media ambassadors will receive a Fegans SM Ambassador kit with brochures, access to online resources, a twibbon/badge to add to your social media profile, recognition on our website, in newsletters and through our social media.

Would you like to hear more? Please get in touch and we’ll answer any questions you might have.