One of our wonderful Fegans counsellors, Debbie, shared a boy’s story with us recently. We felt it highlighted what so many young people have unfortunately experienced since the start of the pandemic.


12-year-old Ben was terrified of going home. He spent a lot of time hiding in his bedroom to protect himself from abuse, and to avoid the perpetrator.


Then, just when Ben thought things couldn’t get any worse, lockdown hit.


Debbie explains in her own words what happened with Ben…



Your support can help even more children who, in the aftermath of this pandemic, need safe spaces to talk and additional support. Schools that we currently work with are identifying a rise in the number of children they need to refer. We want to be able to offer each child the support they need, when they need it most.


The last 18 months have exacerbated the situation and in the last three months alone, nearly 200,000 young people have been referred to mental health services*.  This Christmas please consider helping children like Ben, giving them the courage to speak up when they are hurting. Your gift can enable us to have be a safe point of call for children across the UK who are desperate for help. 




*Royal College of Psychiatrists (September 2021) 

** Photos and names have been changed to protect clients’ identities