Life after Lockdown


At a Fegans’ Webinar we hosted yesterday for some of our stakeholders, we were blessed to have The Rt Revd Simon Burton-Jones, Bishop of Tonbridge, say a few words about life after lockdown.


Our webinar was aimed at faith leaders, knowing that they care about their communities and want to support them in these challenging times.  The Fegans’ Team felt keen to help by highlighting some of the children’s mental health issues that health professionals and therapists are seeing on the frontline and, answer questions in order to deepen understanding and better equip leaders to support families.


We had a fantastic response from the attendees and would like the webinar recording to reach more faith leaders.  If you know of someone who is in a lead/youth role in your community, please contact to request a link.


Please click on the image below to watch, Bishop Simon comment on life after lockdown…