Latest Blogs From Fegans

How to Manage Exam Stress

How to Manage Exam Stress

We have come to the time of year when many young people are facing exams or tests at school, with varying degrees of importance and significance for their future. For some, this will be...

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Back to School Nerves

Back to School Nerves

September can only mean one thing: back to school. Except this year, as it was last September, things are a little different. Some will need to cope with the weekly Covid testing, some...

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New Year, New Hope?

New Year, New Hope?

New Year, New Hope? Welcoming the new year probably felt quite different this year, given the challenges of 2020 and the inability to celebrate together as a family, or with friends. For...

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OPINION Lockdown Loneliness

OPINION Lockdown Loneliness

Loneliness among parents of young children has "dramatically increased" during the pandemic, suggests research from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's Royal Foundation. The charity...

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The Gift of Listening Part 2

The Gift of Listening Part 2

Listening to Children In the last article, we set out the key principles of listening well. These are applicable to adults and children of all ages. As we reflect on giving in the build up...

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The Gift of Listening Part 1

The Gift of Listening Part 1

Listening is one of the most important skills you can have, and one of the greatest gifts you can give to others. How well you listen has a major impact on the quality of your...

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Our Services

Fegans provides professional therapeutic services to schools

Fegans offers specialist intervention work with vulnerable children and their families.

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We provide evidence-based parenting groups as well as our own intervention programs.

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