We have lauched our beautifully designed Christmas Gift Guide to give you inspiration when buying gifts for your loved ones – these are gifts that will have a positive impact on vunerable children.  We can also supply gift vouchers for presentation purposes.  Please flip through the pages of our catalogue and visit our shop to purchase your chosen gifts.

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.fegans.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Fegans_Gift_Guide_Final-Clean-Version-for-Web.pdf” title=”Fegans_Gift_Guide_Final Clean Version for Web”]

Purchase Gifts Online


Please note, should a gift be over-subscribed we will make sure your gift is properly used and allocate it to the nearest similar project and need.  You will not recive the gift you have chosen directly, it will go straight to Fegans to help families fast.