In the last 5 years the number of under 16s admitted to hospital for self-harm has doubled, and currently in the UK 4 children in every classroom have a mental health problem.*

*Public Health England, 2018


Imagine how many children are suffering whilst waiting for help.



We provide qualified professional counselling to around 400 troubled children every week in schools and our centres, providing a safe space to talk about their problems.

Fegans believes that every life matters and no child should continue to suffer.

Our One Life Campaign aims to decrease the number of attempted suicides and self-harm amongst children and young people, by providing professional early intervention to vulnerable children at the point of need. 

For many children who need help, all that is standing between them and a brighter, hope filled future is lack of funds.  But you can change that.


Donate today and make a child’s life worth living


For  many  children  entering  our  counselling  rooms,  life  feels  unbearable;  severe  bullying  or  trauma,  emotional,  physical  or  sexual abuse has led them to self-harm and contemplate suicide.

By supporting our One Life Campaign you can help children overcome severe emotional pain, freeing them from self-harm and suicide.


Every  single  day  our  counsellors  are  saving  lives  and  restoring  childhoods


Donate today and make a child’s life worth living