Fegans recently donated over 700 Headspace books to Hartsdown Academy, a mixed secondary school in Margate. The book was published in collaboration with our professional counsellors as a way to reach out to young people. Over the years, our counsellors have witnessed first hand the rise in mental health issues and the impact these issues are having on our communities.



The publication is a motivational book written by Georgina Cuthbertson with the help of research groups of young people and an experienced designer. It has space for thoughts and ideas; a tool to encourage young people to consider themselves as a whole and to nurture their own emotional well-being.



A spokesperson from Harstdown Academy  told us that the response from the students has been fantastic – they really engaged with the books and found them an excellent source of support, particularly in Year 7 and 8. We’re delighted that the students will be able to refer to the pages whenever they feel anxious or a little overwhelmed.