Kent-based charity Fegans is to open a new pre-school and after school club onsite at the Archbishop Courtenay primary school in Tovil, Maidstone this September. Familiar to many families in the community, Fegans has been providing children’s counselling and parent support services at the primary school for a number of years. With the opening of its own Ofsted- registered pre-school onsite, all these services can now be consolidated into a “family hub” so local families can benefit from a holistic package of childcare and development, parent support and specialist therapy from an early stage. 


The Buttons ABC Pre-School will open on 7th September and follows the successful model of the Buttons pre-school run by Fegans in Ramsgate, Kent which has been an integral part of its local community for over 10 years.


Ian Soars, CEO of Fegans explains, “Our Buttons pre-schools don’t just focus on the development of the child but provide support to whole families throughout their individual journeys with all the ups and downs life brings. Families are welcomed and valued, and children feel comfortable, secure and are able to forge positive relationships with both staff and other children. We see how transformative this can be and are very excited about offering this to young families in Maidstone too.” 


The project has been part-funded by a £10,000 grant from Allchurches Trust* which has paid for much of the set-up costs as well as toys, equipment, staff uniforms and a new dishwasher. 


Chloe Ewen, Grants Officer for Allchurches Trust, said: “All children deserve a bright and hope-filled future. Fegans’ holistic model of on-site education, therapy and support delivered from their new nursery made this project stand out for us. We are so proud to support Fegans as they care for and help heal children and families in need.”


Buttons ABC Pre-School Manager, Michelle Burr, who has been busy getting ready for the opening said: “The funding from Allchurches Trust has enabled us to create such a nurturing and fun environment. We have a fabulous outdoor space and everything looks so bright and inviting. We cannot wait to open and to welcome lots of children and their families to enjoy everything we have to offer.”


Buttons ABC Pre-School has capacity for 28 children per-session (8.45-11.45 and 12-3pm during term-time) with optional lunch care. Government funding is available for two, three and four-year-olds. The after-school club will operate from 3.15pm – 6pm during term time and is available to children aged five to 11. Sessions cost £10 and include tea.


To enquire about a place call 01622 754666 or email or



Picture caption: Some of the new toys and equipment purchased for the new Buttons ABC Pre-School with funding from Allchurches Trust


Note to editors: 

*Allchurches Trust is one of the UK’s largest grant-making charities and gave more than £16 million to churches, charities and communities in 2018. Its funds come from its ownership of Ecclesiastical Insurance Group. 

For further information from Fegans please contact Anna Dunbar or Ann-Marie Fisher 01892 538288 or or


About Fegans: 

Celebrating its 150th year anniversary this year, Fegans is a Christian charity that has continually delivered care to children and families according to the needs of each succeeding generation. Today, we counsel children and provide parent support, intervention and training. Combining these disciplines gives Fegans the opportunity to work with families holistically…counselling the child, supporting the parent.