In spite of a difficult Covid-19 year, Fegans still managed to counsel nearly 900 children for an average of just over 12 weeks each.
Our Wemwebs scale (aimed at those in secondary schools) showed stunning changes in childrens outloook with an average of 20% improvement in their wellbeing. Indeed, across the 14 markers that we measure, every single one saw an improvement.
Across this co-hort we are delighted to report that;
  • 38% of teenage boys reported the highest level of wellbeing after receiving counselling
  • 50% of children reported low wellbeing when referred to us, reducing to only 8% after receiving counselling
  • 88% of teenage girls left our counselling rooms with moderate or high wellbeing
Fegans measures across 14 different areas to provide the above data, but some of the areas that parents and educators are concerned about today show huge improvements; for example as a result of Fegans counselling we saw:
30% average improvement in the confidence of all children
31 % average improvement of teen girls feeling good about themselves
43% improvement of teen boys in feeling more relaxed (calmer)
33% improvement across all children in their ability to deal with their problems well.



This highlights that support from a Fegans counsellor doesn’t just provide children with a safe space to express themselves, important as this is… but it actually changes their perspective on their lives.  Fegans brings this gift to the thousands of children and families we work with in our therapy rooms, in schools, in churches and in our pre-schools every year.



About Fegans:


Celebrating its 150th year anniversary this year, Fegans is a Christian charity that has continually delivered care to children and families according to the needs of each succeeding generation. Today, we counsel children and provide parent support, intervention and training. Combining these disciplines gives Fegans the opportunity to work with families holistically…counselling the child, supporting the parent.